Dr. Robbie Westerman, DNP-PMHNP


Solution Focused, Patient Centered

Dr. Robbie Westerman, PMHNP, offers treatment and medication management for depression, ADHD, MAT, substance abuse, anxiety, and other mood disorders. This includes children up through adulthood. Professionally, he has worked at renowned Meadows Behavioral Healthcare for over ten years. This has included work with drug addiction, sex addiction, personality disorders, eating disorders. adolescent psychiatry, and general psychiatry. Other assignments have included Calvary Healing Center, Fountain Hills Recovery, and Springridge Boarding School for Girls. Dr. Robbie focuses on accurately formulating diagnostics and uncovering the true root causes of mental health issues.

A few things we’re great at

Here are some of our services (click each)

Diagnosing and Prescribing

This involves creating an accurate set of symptoms to target and using advanced neurobiology to target drug therapy

Eating Disorders

Service involves collaboration with medical and nutrition services to explore creating a healthy relationship with food 

Personality Disorders

Service entails DBT approaches combined with medication management


This entails targeted medication assisted treatment with medications

Mood Disorders

Management of mood disorders like Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Depression 


This service entails examining and changing self-defeating beliefs and cognitive distortions  

Genetic Testing

Work with mental health provider and general provider to align treatment plans to common goals

successful therapy
teenagers helped
successfully treated anxiety cases
Substance Use Disorders

A Service For You On Your Time

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